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    Christs Entry Within the Veil in Hebrews 6:19-20


    Jesus Christ the High Priest


        When Jesus returned to Heaven he was coronatied as our High Priest and King. With this dual function He sits on the Father's throne as King while also serving in the heavenly sanctuary as our High Priest. The last part of the ministry of the priest was to perform the Day of Atonement. The writer of the book of Hebrews who wrote the book about AD 60 says

    Heb 10:25 "not abandoning our own meetings, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and even more so because you see the day drawing near."

    The Day spoken of here is the day of Atonement. Read this article written by Theologian Dr. Richard Davidson on the ministry of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary. Showing that when Jesus returned to heaven he inaugurated the entire heavenly sanctury for service  also showing how the day of atonement did not begin at the cross but was still written of as being a future event when the book was written in AD 60. Hebrews chapter 9 is not about the Day of Atonement but is all about the antitypical Day of the inauguration of the sanctuary. The transition between the Old Covenant sanctuary service and the New Covenant sanctuary service.

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    Inauguration or Day of Atonement. A Response to Norman Young


    Christs Entry Within the Veil in Hebrews 6:19-20 Continued. On going dialogue between Dr Richard Davidson and Dr Norm Young regarding the Heavenly Sanctuary. Is Hebrews 9 about the Day of Atonement or the Day of Inauguration? Read this paper from the Andrews University Digital Commons Library written by Dr Davidson showing his reasoning why the Day of Inauguration is in view.

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    Lunar Sabbath or Seventh-Day Sabbath: Which? Charles Whitaker


    Read this five page article by Charles Whitaker that proves the Lunar Sabbath to be an heretical theory that is foreign to the bible. Using a simple formula found in Lev 23 it is easy to see that it's not possible for the Sabbath to have been calculated by the moon.

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    Debunking the Lunar Sabbath. Christine Egbert


    There are people in the church today who believe in the “Lunar Sabbath” theory. This theory teaches that the Sabbath of God is a different day every month. The Hebrew calender month began with the appearance of the new moon. When the new moon appeared the days were reset to 0. According to this theory by counting off 7 days the Sabbath is on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days of each month. Therefore on a particular month the Sabbath could be every Wednesday and the next month it could be every Thursday and so on.

    This article debunks this theory by showing that on the 3rd day after the new moon David is given the shewbread to eat by the Priest Ahimelech. This giving of bread was done on the 7th day Sabbath. This shows that the Sabbath of God was based on a continuous 7 day cycle and not counted from the appearance of the new moon.

    Satan hates the Sabbath, so if he cannot deceive people to observe Sunday he will deceive people to observe any other day instead.


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    Apostasia in 2 Thess 2:3 Dr. Alan Kurschner


    Before the appearance of the Antichrist Paul tells us that the "Apostasia" must take place. What does this Greek word mean? It has been translated as "Departure" in the old Geneva bible. It has been translated as "rebellion" and "falling away" in modern versions. Christians who believe in the pretrib rapture theory believe that the word "apostasia" means a physical departure from the earth by Christians before the appearance of the Antichrist. This study here by Dr. Alan Kurschner clearly shows that this is incorrect and that the word means a departure from a political or religious belief.

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    Immortality of the Soul or Resurrection of the Dead? Oscar Cullman


    Professor Cullmann compares the Greek conception of the immortality of the soul with the early Christian conception of the resurrection, and shows that they are so different in orgin and in translation into experience as to be mutually exclusive. To the Greek, death was a friend. To the Christian death was the last enemy, but the enemy conquered by Christ in His resurrection, and conquered by all who are His.

    "No other publication of mine has provoked such enthusiasm or such violent hostility. Exegesis has been the basis of this study, and so far, no critic of a wide variety of kinds has attempted to refute me by exegesis."

    The widely accepted idea of ‘The immortality of the soul’ is one of the greatest misunderstandings of Christianity. The concept of death and resurrection is anchored in the Christ-event (as will be shown in the following pages), and hence is incompatible with the Greek belief in immortality.

    Oscar Cullmann, D.Th, D.D., was Professor of the Theological Faculty of the University of Basel and of the Sorbonne in Paris

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    Nailed to the cross


    "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross" (Colossians 2:14 KJV).

           Paul mentions that the "Handwriting" was nailed to the cross because it was against us. Many believe and use this verse to teach that the law of God was nailed to the cross. Some say the ceremonial law others say it refers to all of the law of God. The Greek word translated 'Handwriting' is the word "Cheirographon". Read this study written by Dr Daniel Botkin to discover that this word is a legal word does not refer to the law of God but refers to the record of our sins. It is a certificate of debt outlining what we owe God. Jesus took the debt that we owe God and nailed it to his cross.

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    A physician testifies about the crucifixion


    A physician testifies as to what happens to the human body when it undergoes the torture of a Roman crucifixion. See how the physical trauma coincides with the gospel records of the crucifixion of Jesus. See how the gospel accounts read like they were written by eyewitnesses. 


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    How Sunday became the popular day of worship. Kenneth Strand


    Many Christians believe that Sunday was observed as a day of worship by the New Testament church because Christ was resurrected on a Sunday. But this idea is neither biblical nor historical. This study by Kenneth Strand tells the history of the origin of Sunday observance in the early church. 

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    Justin Martyrs sunday statement. William Shea.


    About 150 AD Justin Martyr wrote that Christians were observing Sunday every week as a day of worship. However evidence in this article shows that this claim by Justin is a forgery placed in the text of Justin's letter by persons unknown in the third or forth centuries to give the Sunday movement credibility. 

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    Antiochus IV Epiphanes is not the little horn of Daniel 8. William Shea


    This study is an indepth one written by William Shea on the question as to whether Antiochus IV Epiphanes it the fulfilment of the prophecy in Daniel 8 regarding the "Little Horn" 

    Solid proof is shown that Antiochus cannot be the fulfillment of the prophecy and that it is the empire of Rome who is the "Little Horn" 

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    The Antichrist and the Protestant Reformation. Steve Wohlberg


    Who is the Antichrist? Read this well written article by author Steve Wohlberg and discover what the Protestant reformers believed, and how this belief was opposed by the Roman Church. The Roman Church during the Counter reformation invented a new Antichrist and this belief has now been accepted by nearly all protestants today. 

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    Colossions 2:16


    In Colossians 2:16 Paul writes that the Old Covenant sabbath/s are only a shadow but the reality is found in Christ.  What did Paul mean? New evidence regarding the literary structure of the passage indicates that the annual ceremonial sabbaths are what Paul has in mind and not the seventh-day sabbath of the Ten Commandments. Read this interesting article to see the evidence. 

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    In Hebrews 4:9 the author says "There remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God" The Greek word for sabbath-rest is 'Sabbatismos'. Read this article to find out what this word means and if christians are obligated to observe the Sabbath of God.  

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    Biblical Grace. Bakers Evangelical Dictionary.


    Here is an article from the Bakers Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology. It discusses the subject of Grace and comes to the conclusion that Grace is more than just God's mercy but is also His Holy Spirit. God's free Grace both Justifies and transforms the person of faith into a person who is zealous of good works. 

    Hebrews 4:16 "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."


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    Was Peter The First Pope?


    This small book discusses the Roman Church's belief regarding Peter being the first Pope. The conclusion is that this belief is neither biblical nor historical. Written in 1923 by Jesse Stevens he shows how Peter was a pillar in the early church but with no more authority than the other apostles. 

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    Why Respond to Gail Riplinger


    What is the best English version to read? Some people in the church are KJV only people. According to them that is the only true version and all of the others have been corrupted. A women who has caused a lot of controversy in the churches, Gail Riplinger, has written a book called "New Age Versions" in which she maintains that only the KJV is the true bible and that all others are New Age bibles and are corrupted and heretical. Theologian James White has critiqued her work and shows how her reasoning is false and that the ancient manusripts are the uncorrupted word of God.