Articles of Interest
File: Why Respond to Gail Riplinger

- Uploaded:
- 06.04.24
- Modified:
- 06.04.24
- File Size:
- 324 KB
- Downloads:
- 155
- Version
- 1.0
What is the best English version to read? Some people in the church are KJV only people. According to them that is the only true version and all of the others have been corrupted. A women who has caused a lot of controversy in the churches, Gail Riplinger, has written a book called "New Age Versions" in which she maintains that only the KJV is the true bible and that all others are New Age bibles and are corrupted and heretical. Theologian James White has critiqued her work and shows how her reasoning is false and that the ancient manusripts are the uncorrupted word of God.