Articles of Interest

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File: Debunking the Lunar Sabbath. Christine Egbert

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There are people in the church today who believe in the “Lunar Sabbath” theory. This theory teaches that the Sabbath of God is a different day every month. The Hebrew calender month began with the appearance of the new moon. When the new moon appeared the days were reset to 0. According to this theory by counting off 7 days the Sabbath is on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days of each month. Therefore on a particular month the Sabbath could be every Wednesday and the next month it could be every Thursday and so on.

This article debunks this theory by showing that on the 3rd day after the new moon David is given the shewbread to eat by the Priest Ahimelech. This giving of bread was done on the 7th day Sabbath. This shows that the Sabbath of God was based on a continuous 7 day cycle and not counted from the appearance of the new moon.

Satan hates the Sabbath, so if he cannot deceive people to observe Sunday he will deceive people to observe any other day instead.