Bible Studies

File: 24 Remnant Teachers Part 24

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This Bible study explores the clear evidence from the Bible that the dead cannot communicate with the living or return to their homes where they used to live or in fact anywhere on this earth with only two exceptions. The exceptions were when Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus. But apart from that instance no one comes back from the dead. We will notice also how the Bible warns us not to stay in the churches that follow these false traditions, which the book of Revelation calls Babylon. The only true standard of God’s judgment will be discovered to be the Ten Commandments. This is one of the messages that the Remnant Church of God will be preaching to the whole world. God's Church will be warning those in the churches that follow tradition and not every teaching of the Bible to come out of those faiths. We pray that these challenging truths will draw you closer to Jesus and the preparation needed to be ready for His Second Coming. David Gilmore.