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    01 Remnant Teachers Part 1


    This lesson discovers the two distinguishing features of the remnant church of God found in Revelation. This is the first of 27 studies that clearly describe from the Bible which Church God has indentified as His faithful group of believers who have the last message of love to prepare the world for His Second Coming. This is of vital importance to understand because Jesus warned that there would be many false Christs, prophets and doctrines of Devils in the last days. Revelation describes many false Christian Churches as claiming to be God's true Church having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof. We hope these lessons inspire you with a love of Jesus our Saviour and prepare you more for His soon return. David Gilmore

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    02 Remnant Teachers Part 2


    This lesson explores the second test of the Remnant Church of God which is that they would have the gift of prophecy. Ellen G. White fulfills the Bible prediction that tells us that there would definitely by prohets inthe True Church until the end of time. We will discover the prophecies of Revelation and Joel and begin a journey through 30 spiritual tests the the scriptures give us to determine whether a prophet is true or false. Later we will also examine the physical tests of a true prophet are which can not possibly be counterfieted which Ellen G White fulfilled to the letter. We will also take an interesting glimse into her life and prophecies which were every time accurate without exception. We will also have a look at some conditional prophecies she made that were similar to that of the propphet Jonah which critics have seized on to ty and discredit her God given gift. We hope  you enjoy this very important identifying mark of the Remnant Church. David Gilmore. 

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    03 Remnant Teachers Part 3


    This study discovers the third, fourth and fifth tests that we will explore from the Bible. We will then notice how Ellen G. White fulfilled them exactly. The Bible is very clear that Prophets will proclaim the keeping of all the Ten Commandments including the fourth commandment which encourages us to keep the Seventh Day Sabbath as a memorial of Creation and Redemption. We will also examine the fruits of Ellen G White as observed by those who knew her including some none Seventh-day Adventists. Then the last test of a true prophet in this lesson will look at the prediction found in the first epistle of John that talks about Jesus coming in the flesh. We hope you enjoy these important topics. David Gilmore.   

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    04 Remnant Teachers Part 4


    This Bible Study will look at the sixth, seventh and eight test that inspiration requires as an essential requirement of a true prophet of God. The first test we will examine in this lesson is the love and service that a true prohet will give and how her statements and life verified these qualities without any doubt. The second test demonstrates how Ellen G White encourages all through her writings, preaching and example to prepare for the Second Coming of Christ which is the main theme of the Bible expecially in the New Testamant. The third test that demands our attention in this Bible journey is the encouraging of all to keep and enjoy the fellowship and worship together of our Creater on the Seventh-day. There was not one of God's prophets in the Bible that did not point to the blessings and need to observe and keep the fourth Seventh Day Sabbath Commandment which is the longest found in the Decalogue. Please Enjoy another investigation into the Biblical tests of a true prophet of God. David Gilmore.    

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    05 Remnant Teachers Part 5


    This fifth Bible Study on the Remnant Church of God continues our study of the thirty Bible Tests that we will examine in this series on the writings and life of Ellen G White a true prohet to help us prepare for the coming of the Lord. The ninth, tenth and Eleventh essential qualifications in this fifth Bible Lesson includes firstly: that a true prophet will not give their own opinions or ideas when giving instruction from God but will only relate what they have been instructed in visions or dreams by divine inspiration. The second Bible admonition that we will examine in this lesson is that a true prohet will always strongly urge all to turn away from, confess and forsake all their sins. The last Bible prinicple that Ellen G White advises all to be aware of and consider in this scriptural investigation is: that we must all face the judment seat of Christ which requires the keeping of the Ten Commandments through the grace and power of Christ in the heart. We hope you enjoy another investigation into this topic of the identification of the Remnant Church of God for the last days. David Gilmore 

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    06 Remnant Teachers Part 6


    This Bible Study continues with two more Scriptural Requirements of a true prophet of God which is one of the identifying marks of the Remnant Church of Revelation 12:17 as we have studied in earlier lessons. The first one to be examined is the fact that every inspired prophet giving the message of God will encourage, uplift, love and faithfully serve the true church of God. Another important fact that we will consider is that a true prophet of God including Jesus Himself will always agree with the stated fact found clearly stated in the Word of God that the dead in Christ remain asleep in their graves until the resurrection at the last day of this earth as we know it at the Second Coming of Christ. They do not ascend to heaven or descend to an every burning hell as commonly taught in many Christian Churches and other religions today. This test narrows down the field as to who can be a true prophet quite considerably. Please enjoy this important testing truth that is given for our comfort and hope and vindicates that character of God as not being a sadistic tyrant who enjoys the suffering of the lost in an every burning hell. We hope you cafully consider and enjoy this most important truth. David Gilmore   

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    07 Remnant Teachers Part 7.


    This study will examine two more identifying tests of a true prophet of God found in the Word of God. The first principle that we will compare is that prophets of God often are given the secrets of the hearts of individuals through divine inspiration in dreams of visions that will help that person to realize an important thing that will help them realize that God has a very loving and caring interest in their salvaation. Sometimes it may prevent them or warn them not to take a wrong course of action that could jeopardize their lives or destiny. The second test of a true prophet that the scriptures gives us in this lesson is the observation that all the prophets of God always agree 100% with the whole Bible including both the Old and the New Testaments. They up hold the writings of Moses and the law of God. All scripture they always admonish are inspired and relavent for us in the last days of this worlds history. We hope that you enjoy yet another investigation into the tests of a prophet of God. David Gilmore  

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    08 Remnant Teachers Part 8


    Five tests of a true prophet of God as revealed in the inspired Word of God are looked at in this the eighth Bible Study on this series on the Remnant and its Mission. The first of these Biblical requirements for a genuine prophet is that they will admonish all to do all that God asks them to do through faith and trust in the power and promises of God. The second scriptural quality that God's prophets have that Ellen G White once again fulfills is that they will comfort anyone they come across that may be discouraged in their Christian walk. The third point that we will consider that is also admirably accomplished in her writings is to explain and increase the understanding of the Bible by including scriptural comparisons that are obviously inspired by God that would take years or even a life time of study to come discover by only a few diligent Bible Students. Both the New and Old Testament writers will be seen to have no conflict with the writings and principles espoused by Ellen. Finally in this lesson we will notice that Ellen cautions all to turn from all forms of idolatry whether literal or in the heart and seek God with all their heart, soul and strength. Once again Ellen G White fulfills these next five tests that we will examine. May the Lord bless you as you study again this important topic. David Gilmore

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    09 Remnant Teachers Part 9


    This Bible lesson explores four more tests of a true prophet that identify Ellen G White as a true rpophet in the Remnant Church of God. Ellen admonishes all firstly to follow all the doctrines ot in other words teachings as found in the Holy Scriptures and upheld by Jesus as the standard of faith that should be followed so that we can be saved by grace through the merits of Jesus sacrifice on our behalf. Secondly Ellen received messages from God in visons and dreams which is the way God through the Word of God tells us is His chosen way of communication with an authentic prophet of His chosing. Thirdlly in this Bible study and verification in the writings of Ellen G White and observations of her life we will notice signs and wonders associated with her ministry. Ellen was also associated with plans and building projects as God gave her inspired counsel in this regard as some of the prophets of the Bible were also instructed at times. We hope you enjoy this relevation on the life and teachings of Ellen as found in the Word of God and her writings. David Gilmore 

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    10 Remnant Teachers Part 10


    This study examines two more tests of a prophet that Ellen G White fulfils. Ellen was able to point out secret sins that individuals commited that was to help them turn away from such soul destroying habits and lead them to look to Jesus the authour and finisher of our faith if they accepted the message and direction God gave through her. It also confirmed to the individuals concerned of the inspiration of Ellen as a true prophet of God that could only know these things by the revelation of God through a vision or a dream. Ellen did not choose to be a prophet niether did the Church choose her. She was chosen by God for her life work. She like others such as Moses was reluctant to accept this quite often difficult and unpopular work especially when it involved messages of reproof to erring individuals often much older that Ellen especially early in her ministry as only a teenager of 17 years of age. May you enjoy another proving evidence of Elllen G Whites gift of prophecy for the Remnant Church of God to prepare us for His Second Coming. David Gilmore.

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