Bible Studies
Folder: The Remnant Church
21 Remnant Teachers Part 21
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This Bible study explores the interesting fulfillment so accurately that predicted combination of the Papacy and the United States of America working together in bringing down Communism their common enemy. These time solid fulfillments give the unmistakable framework in History that helps us to identify the Remnant Church of God. Enjoy another journey through History that builds faith in Jesus. David Gilmore
22 Remnant Teachers Part 22
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This Bible study investigates the amazing facts that show unmistakable evidence of how the “Orthodox” and “Protestant” churches clearly fulfill the Roman Catholic Churches’ claim that they are her daughters. They all came out of her directly or one of the churches that sprang from her. They all hold onto her tradition of Sunday keeping and other non-scriptural teachings. They all sprang out of this great medieval Church apart from one other humble Church. The Remnant Church of God is the only Church who can trace her roots and doctrines right back to the very foundation of this world and particularly the times and teachings of Jesus found in the Bible. The Protestant Churches admit that there is no scriptural basis for their tradition of keeping Sunday as their Sabbath day of worship. They admit accurately that this tradition cannot be traced to the Bible but only to the traditions of the Church of Rome. It will be also demonstrated from the authoritative writings and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church that tradition is placed above the authority of the Bible. This historical evidence that the Bible portrays through prophetic language that even the novice can easily distinguish when shown is of eternal importance to understand. It throws light onto the vital topic of identifying who is the only true church that the Bible calls the Remnant Church. Many lovely and sincere seekers of truth found in the Roman Catholic and other churches have joined the Remnant Church and her Bible and Bible only based teachings when they see these facts. Please enjoy and tell others of these amazing truths. David Gilmore
23 Remnant Teachers Part 23
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- 440
This Bible study exposes the third member of the Babylonian Trinity that apposes and tries to exterminate the Remnant Church of God. This touches on spiritualism found through all the pagan and heathen traditions in various forms. It is based on the first lie of Satan with which he deceived Eve: “Thou shalt not surely die. “ Nearly every church without exception does not follow the Bible on the teaching of what happens when a man dies. They communicate supposedly with departed friends and loved ones and some communicate with witches, wizards, and necromancers or simply with the pretended dead. This powerful deception has captivated nearly the whole world. This is a very distinguishing truth that identifies the Remnant Church. Please enjoy this teaching that Jesus demonstrated and taught. David Gilmore.
24 Remnant Teachers Part 24
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This Bible study explores the clear evidence from the Bible that the dead cannot communicate with the living or return to their homes where they used to live or in fact anywhere on this earth with only two exceptions. The exceptions were when Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus. But apart from that instance no one comes back from the dead. We will notice also how the Bible warns us not to stay in the churches that follow these false traditions, which the book of Revelation calls Babylon. The only true standard of God’s judgment will be discovered to be the Ten Commandments. This is one of the messages that the Remnant Church of God will be preaching to the whole world. God's Church will be warning those in the churches that follow tradition and not every teaching of the Bible to come out of those faiths. We pray that these challenging truths will draw you closer to Jesus and the preparation needed to be ready for His Second Coming. David Gilmore.
25 Remnant Teachers Part 25
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We will discover in this Bible study how that the Remnant Church of God cannot be one of the larger Churches. God’s remnant has always been a minority and the last day Remnant Church is no exception. Another very important fact that we will see from the powerful evidence of fulfilled Bible Prophecy is that the Remnant Church of God must appear in history in 1844. This amazing revelation comes packaged in two incredible prophecies found in Daniel and Revelation. We pray that this Bible truth will encourage your faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and prepare you more for His soon return. Please enjoy. David Gilmore.
26 Remnant Teachers Part 26
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- 456
In this Bible study the central pillar of faith and also a clear Bible Foundational teaching of the Remnant Church will be found to be the Second Coming of Christ. It will also be demonstrated from the Bible message for the last days too clear to be mistaken that Justification by Faith is the message of the Remnant Church to the world. This is for the preparation and readiness of character necessary to fit everyonel who wants to be rready for the soon return of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Please enjoy once again the message of Jesus to exhort and encourage you for His soon return. David Gilmore
27 Remnant Teachers Part 27
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- 445
We will observe in this Bible Study how the Second Coming of Christ is a vital part of the last message to the world that the Remnant Church will preach from Revelation 14. The message of the everlasting gospel found in Revelation 14 is the last warning to every nation that Jesus is coming back for those who are ready. The right arm of this message of Revelation 14 is health. Health was a significant part of Jesus’ ministry and will be also an important and integral part of the service and ministry the Remnant Church provides for the world. This is another outstanding identifying mark that makes it easy to find the Remnant Church among the large number of denominations found in the worldwide religious scene. We pray that you enjoy finding very concise and unmistakable evidence that makes it so easy to find God’s Remnant Church. Please enjoy. David Gilmore.