Bible Studies
Folder: Mike Forfar
These bible studies are indepth and cover a range of subjects that includes bible prophecy and salvation
The Antichrist and the Temple of God
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The Apostle Paul wrote to the Christian church at Thessalonica warning them about an evil man he referred too as "The Man of Sin". This man was to gain authority in the temple of God and to speak as God. Who is this man and what temple is being referred too? Find the answers to those questions here.
The 666 Antichrist - His identity revealed.
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- 1261
Who is the Antichrist? There have been many candidates over the centuries from Adolf Hitler to Nero, Henry Kissenger, the Popes, various politicians, and Kings. Or maybe some secret church man lurking in the shadows just waiting his opportunity to come to power. This study looks at the several of the identification marks found in the Bible that clearly reveal who the Antichrist is and sweeps away all of the speculation as to who he might be.
The Mark of the Beast pt 1
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Here we see a photo of a Jewish man worshipping God wearing the Hebrew Tefillin during his morning prayers. Worn on the hand and on the forehead they contain bible verses from the law of God. This is where the imagery for the Mark of the Beast comes from. This indicates that the Mark of the Beast is a counterfeit of the law of God involving worship. You may have heard of the Mark of the Beast but do you know what it is? There is a lot of nonsense being taught on this subject speculating from bar codes to computer chips. This study reveals what the end time Mark of the Antichrist is, not from speculation but from letting the bible interpret itself.
The Mark of the Beast pt 2
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- 371
In this study we will compare the imagery of two end time prophecies that discuss the activities
of the Antichrist. These two prophecies are found in Daniel chapter 7 and Revelation chapter 13.
These prophecies describe the same history and the same events using similar imagery and apocalyptic
symbols. By comparing the symbols together we find an intersting parallel that reveals to the reader
the nature of the mark of the beast.
The Sabbath is written in Heaven on Sapphire
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- 61
The Ten Commandments are seen written in heaven on Sapphire. This would include the Sabbath commandment. As a part of the new covenant the ten commandments are God's will for all of humanity. God's people who are saved by Grace will observe the commandments of God. The battle over the law of God between the true church and the false church will be the final test in the battle with the Antichrist.
Sunday Sacredness is like the offering of Cain.
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- 645
How and when does God want us to worship Him? Many Christians believe that Sunday is the day to worship God but is this biblical? Find out how this man made day of worship is similiar the false worship that was offered by Cain.
Sunday is two days too late to be in the New Covenant.
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- 526
Many Christians believe that Sunday is the New Covenant day of worship. Find out how this is not possible and how sunday is two days too late to be in the New Covenant.
Is the Gospel against the Law?
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- 553
Is the Gospel opposed to the law of God. Many Christians believe that the Gospel exempts a person from having to obey the law of God. But Jesus says this-
Matthew 13:39-43 "The harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are angels. 40 Just as the weeds are gathered and burned with fire, so will it be at the end of the age. 41 The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all law-breakers, 42 and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear." ESVRead this study to find out why a person who is saved by Grace will obey the law of God.
We're Not Under the Law We're Under Grace
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- 405
It was Satan who first came up with the idea that disobeying God is a virtue. But in the letters of Paul he makes that statement the we Christians are not under law but under grace. What did Paul mean by this statement? Does the law of God have a part in the life of a Christian? Can I disobey God and still be saved? This study will show clearly that the Ten Commandments are in the new covenant temple in heaven where Jesus in now our High Priest.
Answers to Objections concerning the Ten Commandments
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- 233
In every age Satan modifies his temptations to the prejudices or inclinations of those whom he is seeking to deceive. In the days of the Apostles Satan led the Jews to exalt the ceremonial law and reject Christ; in our day he compels many who are Christians in name only, who pretend to honour Christ, to cast contempt on the ten commandments and to teach that its precepts may be transgressed with impunity. It is the duty of every servant of God to withstand firmly and decidedly these perverters of the faith and by the word of truth fearlessly to expose their errors.
This study focuses on 24 bible texts that are fraudulently misquoted by antinomian Christians in an attempt to teach others to reject the law of God.