Free Books
Folder: Free Books

Local Church Leadership. Professor. P. Gerard Damsteegt.
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- 4406
New Changes in Local Church Leadership. Have Adventists abandoned the biblical model of leadership for the local church? Today, about 150 years after the Seventh-day Adventist Church was officially organised, there is little left of the New Testament model of leadership that the pioneers originally adopted. Learn the full story here from P. Gerard Damsteegt, Dr. Theol. Professor of Church History, SDA Theological Seminary, Andrews University.
Defending the Spirit of Prophecy. Vance Ferrell
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- 2188
Written in defence of the ministry of Ellen. G. White. The false accusation of plagiarism refuted.
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- 2007
This Christian classic documents the history of the persecution of Christians from the time of Nero to the 1800's. It highlights the wickedness of men inspired by Satan who seek to destroy and murder the followers of Christ.
History of the Sabbath J. N. Andrews
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- 5930
This book by J. N. Andrews discusses the 6000 year history of God's 7th day Sabbath. From its institution by God in the garden of Eden, its preservation by the Jews, and down to our own day.
Dr. Milton Adams. Dissertation on building and growing churches.
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- 9514
Developing, Planting, and Multiplying Adventist House Church's by Dr. W. Milton Adams. This dissertation received the 2010 Excellence in DMin Research Award presented by Andrews University.
This dissertation addresses the crisis Christianity is facing in western cultures,
Builds a Biblical foundation for house churches, including some Biblical information that most people do not know about New Testament house churches,
Traces the beginning, development, and multiplication of churches within the Simple Church Global Network.
Restoration of the Image of God: Headship and Submission. John Peters Ph.D
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- 382
This well researched 87 page book written by John Peters Ph.D looks at the Theology and Ordination of Women in the context of biblical male headship and female subordination. It also looks at the Trinitarian Father/Son relationship between the Father and Jesus showing how Jesus was the uncreated eternal son of God from eternity past and therefore he was always subordinate to the Father before creation.