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    01 Pathway to Paradise


    This is the backing track for the theme song of the children's "Pathway to Paradise" series entitled "Pathway to Paradise" as seen on DVD or TV Broadcast. It was composed by David Gilmore and Billo Smith. It was played by Marcha and Ernst William to produce this backing track. God bless you as you listen to music inspired by the blessed hope of the Second Coming of Christ. David Gilmore.

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    02 Study to Show Yourself Approved


    This is the backing track for the second song of the children's series "Pathway to Paradise" entitled "Study to Show Yourself Approved" as seen on DVD or TV Broadcast. It was composed by David Gilmore and Billo Smith. It was composed by David Gilmore and Billo Smith. It was played by Marcha and Ernst William to produce this backing track. God bless you as you listen to music inspired by the blessed hope of the Second Coming of Christ. David Gilmore.

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    03 Yes Yes Yes to Jesus


    This is the backing track for the third song of the children's series "Pathway to Paradise" entitled "Yes! Yes! Yes! to Jesus"as seen on DVD or TV Broadcast. It was composed by David Gilmore and Billo Smith. It was played by Marcha and Ernst William to produce this backing track. God bless you as you listen to music inspired by the blessed hope of the Second Coming of Christ. David Gilmore.

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    04 Coming in the Clouds of Heaven


    This is the backing track for the fourth song of the children's series "Pathway to Paradise"  entitled "Coming in the clouds of Heaven" as seen on DVD or TV Broadcast. It was composed by David Gilmore and Billo Smith. It was played by Marcha and Ernst William to produce this backing track. God bless you as you listen to music inspired by the blessed hope of the Second Coming of Christ. David Gilmore.

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    05 Shadrach Meshach and Abednego


    This is the backing track for the fifth song of the children's series "Pathway to Paradise"  entitled "Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego" as seen on DVD or TV Broadcast. It was composed by David Gilmore and Billo Smith. It was played by Marcha and Ernst Williams to produce this backing track. God bless you as you listen to music inspired by the blessed hope of the Second Coming of Christ. David Gilmore.

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    06 Are You Ready


    This is the backing track for the sixth song of the children's series "Pathway to Paradise"  entitled "Are you Ready" as seen on DVD or TV Broadcast. It was composed by David Gilmore and Billo Smith. It was played by Marcha and Ernst Williams to produce this backing track. God bless you as you listen to music inspired by the blessed hope of the Second Coming of Christ. David Gilmore.

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    07 Remember the Sabbath Day


    This is the backing track for the seventh song of the children's series "Pathway to Paradise"  entitled "Remember the Sabbath Day" as seen on DVD or TV Broadcast. It was composed by David Gilmore and Billo Smith. It was played by Marcha and Ernst William to produce this backing track. God bless you as you listen to music inspired by the blessed hope of the Second Coming of Christ. David Gilmore.

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    08 Who Wants to be like Daniel


    This is the backing track for the eighth song of the children's series "Pathway to Paradise"  entitled "Who wants to be like Daniel" as seen on DVD or TV Broadcast. It was composed by David Gilmore and Billo Smith. It was played by Marcha and Ernst William to produce this backing track. God bless you as you listen to music inspired by the blessed hope of the Second Coming of Christ. David Gilmore.

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    09 For Death is a Sleep


    This is the backing track for the nineth song of the children's series "Pathway to Paradise"  entitled "For Death is a Sleep" as seen on DVD or TV Broadcast. It was composed by David Gilmore and Billo Smith. It was played by Marcha and Ernst William to produce this backing track. God bless you as you listen to music inspired by the blessed hope of the Second Coming of Christ. David Gilmore.

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    10 Being Baptised


    This is the backing track for the tenth song of the children's series "Pathway to Paradise"  entitled "Being Baptised" as seen on DVD or TV Broadcast. It was composed by David Gilmore and Billo Smith. It was played by Marcha and Ernst William to produce this backing track. God bless you as you listen to music inspired by the blessed hope of the Second Coming of Christ. David Gilmore.

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