Bible Studies

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These bible studies are indepth and cover a range of subjects that includes bible prophecy and salvation

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    Hell Fire Pt 5 - Matt 10:28


    In Matthew 10:28 Jesus said Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Instead, fear the one who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” NET

    Here Jesus says that God will destroy both the body and the soul in Hellfire. The same end that comes to the body will also come to the soul. 


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    Spiritualism and the Occult


    Demons, Occult, Mediums, Spiritualism,




     Who are the unseen forces behind the occult? Is it possible to contact the dead or are other forces involved? Who are these spirits who claim to be the departed dead? Find out what is behind the scenes in the spirit world while you are able to escape the snare.

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    The State of the Dead.




    What happens to a person when they die? Do they live on in another sphere of existance or do they sleep in their graves unconscious of anything? Find out what the Bible says on this subject of the state of the dead.


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    Answers to objections on the Soul Sleep of the dead. pt 1


    Conditional Immortality also known as soul sleep was the belief of the bible writers. The belief of mans natural immortality was a pagan greek idea that infiltrated the young Christian church towards the end of the second century AD. While there are many verses of the bible that teach that man is unconscious in death there are some bible verses that give the impression that man is conscious in death. These latter verses will be examined here to get an understanding of the original meaning of the bible writers.


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    Answers to objections on the Soul Sleep of the dead. pt 2


    Eighteen Bible verses examined  in the light of the bible doctrine of soul sleep. These verses can cause confusion if not understood correctly. For example, if the dead sleep until the resurrection why did Moses and Elijah appear with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration? Find the answers in this study.






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    The Rich Man and Lazarus.



    The parable of the Rich man and Lazarus. Many people think that this parable is a lesson on the state of the dead. Find out what this parable is all about and how it is not a lesson on what takes place at death but a lesson on how things in life are not always what they seem and that we should not trust in riches as evidence of Divine favour.  




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    How the false doctrines of eternal torment and the immortality of the soul entered the church.




     Learn the sad history of how the two heresies of mans natural immortality and the eternal torment of the lost entered the Christian church. 



    Augustine of Hippo

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    Year/Day principle


    When in comes to studying the apocalyptic prophecies of Daniel and Revelation it is important to understand the year for a day principle. This is the understanding that when these prophecies refer to a period of time as days or months or years these time periods are symbolic. That a prophetic day is actually a full literal year. Read this small study to find out how and why this is important to understand. 

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    Antichrists in the letters of John



    The Epistles of John are the only writings in the bible to contains the word "Antichrist" This study shows what John's Antichrists were and what the term "Antichrist" means.




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    The Antichrist and the Temple of God


    The Apostle Paul wrote to the Christian church at Thessalonica warning them about an evil man he referred too as "The Man of Sin". This man was to gain authority in the temple of God and to speak as God. Who is this man and what temple is being referred too? Find the answers to those questions here.

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