Bible Studies

Folder: Chapter One



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    01 - Lesson 1


    Welcome to the most exciting study of Revelation the last apocalyptic book found in the Bible!  This lesson is the introduction to a comprehensive study of Revelation going text by text, chapter by chapter through the whole book. In this lesson we will discover how to understand the book by unlocking the secret keys found in the Bible, the conditions that we need to comply with to understand and receive the benefits and promises found in the book, and the greatest symbol found in Revelation. Please enjoy the journey through this great book. David Gilmore

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    02 - Lesson 2.


    Welcome to Lesson two of Revelation. This lesson introduces the three wonderful friends that give us the seven messages of love found in Revelation that are based on Grace and Peace. These Great Three Ffriends will be studied in more detail in the following lessons one at a time. They may be found from Genesis to Revelation and are active in creation, salvation and restoration. Enjoy! David Gilmore.

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    03 - Lesson 3


    Welcome to Lesson Three of Revelation. This lesson travels through Revelation showing us God the Father our greatest friend in Heaven intoduced in chapter one and how He has been instrumental with Jesus and the Holy Spirit in creation and salvation. Enjoy! David Gilmore

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    04 - Lesson 4


    Welcome to lesson 4! This lessonn studies the work of the Holy Spirit in Revelation who is the second member of the Godhead from which the message to the Seven Churches comes to us. This lesson also explores the work of the Holy Spirit throughout the Scriptures. Enjoy! David Gilmore

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    05 - Lesson 5


    Welcome to Lesson 5! In Revelation the topic of the Second Coming of Christ is touched on. This lesson explores this topic that is mentioned so many times by Jesus and the prophets from Moses right up to John.

    Enjoy! David Gilmore.

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    06 - Lesson 6


    Welcome to lesson 6! This study discovers the description of Jesus Christ the Son of Man who will give the messages of the Seven Churches. Each description has a special meaning and blessing to those who repent and heed the message given. Enjoy. David Gilmore

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