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    11 Remnant Teachers Part 11


    This Bible Study investigates the last four Scriptural tests that clearly identify Ellen G White as a prophet of the Remnant Church. The first characteristic that we will notice is that a true prophet will always faithfully give warnings regarding the judgments of God and the consequences of breaking the Sabbath and in fact all of the Ten Commandments of God. The second prophetic test is also convincingly portrayed in the work of Ellen G White which is the guiding and preserving of the Lord's people through her writings and advice. The Seventh-day Adventist Church is one of the fastest growing churches in all the world and is in virtually every country of the world where it is possible for Christians to work. It has a strong Christian education system which is one of the largest in the world and a large number of hospitals and health clinics throughout the world all through and because of following the counsel of Ellen. The Seventh-day Adventist Church would certainly not be fulfilling all the characteristics of the Remnant Church without the counsel and writings of Ellen. The third work of a prophet particularly in the last days when families are falling apart is the drawing together of parents to children and visa versa according to the Biblical admonition. Ellen G White wrote extensively on this subject which has helped thousands of families to fulfil yet another clear distinguishing mark of a true prophet. The last test that Ellen accurately fulfilled is to counsel all to abstain totally from alcohol in all its forms and also from tobacco and harmful narcotic drugs. So we have seen clearly that Ellen fulfils all of the 30 Biblical tests accurately and without fail in every instance which upholds the unmistakable evidence of God's Word to identify her as God's prophetess for the Remnant Church of God. This is the last one of the identifying marks that shows us which Church is the one raised by God to present His message of love to the whole world to prepare all who will respond to be ready for the day of His soon return. The next lesson will begin the investigation into the physical signs or tests of a true prophet of God which Ellen G White also fulfils accurately. Enjoy the study of this vital subject. David Gilmore .

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    12 Remnant Teachers Part 12


    This lesson deals with some very intriguing physical Biblical tests that God brings on to a true prophet while in vision that obviously cannot be counterfeited by a false prophet. There are seven phenomenon’s that Ellen G White experienced before plenty of witnesses including some doctors that establish without doubt that she is indeed the messenger for God's Remnant Church of the last days. Firstly she would lose all natural strength and then be given supernatural strength far beyond human possibility. Ellen would stop breathing for up to a number of hours and have her eyes opened through the entire vision. She was also able to speak in a graceful natural manner even though she was not breathing. She was quoting and pointing by turning to the exact Bible passages at times accurately quoting verses in the Bible that she could not see. She was also unconscious of her surroundings or of anything that was happening around her through the full duration of the vision. There are some very interesting accounts in this lesson especially when some tried to expose her as a fraud but completely failed. Please enjoy reading these faith building descriptions of a truly godly women. David Gilmore.

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    13 Remnant Teachers Part 13


    This interesting Bible study examines some conditional prophecies in the scriptures such as the story of Jonah. It explains how Ellen G White did predict some things that could have happened but did not because the conditions were not met. This evidently does not prove her to be a false prophet as some critics have claimed but in contrast demonstrates the mercy and patience of God. We also explore what the Bible says about the Testimony of Jesus Christ and visit the heavenly tabernacle or sanctuary. Please enjoy this interesting Biblical account. David Gilmore.

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    14 Remnant Teachers Part 14


    We now will now investigate some testing truths from the Bible that have existed from the very creation of the world. We will notice how that the Sabbath is the seal of the Testimony of Jesus Christ. We will explore whether or not this is a salvation issue. It will be clearly explained what motive is required for Sabbath Keeping and in fact for following all of God’s Ten Commandments. It will also be demonstrated from the Scriptures how the Harlot Woman of Revelation breaks the Sabbath Commandment and has her own counterfeit seal or mark which is the Mark of the Beast. Enjoy this vital information as written for our edification and salvation. David Gilmore.

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    15 Remnant Teachers Part 15


    In this Bible Study we will discover how the Harlot Woman of Revelation who is also described as the Beast will combine Church and State to enforce her dogmas. It will be shown what happened to God’s people when Church and State united in some Bible accounts of history in the past and the devastating results. We will also explore what three great powers make up spiritual Babylon as portrayed in Revelation. It will also be shown what constitutes a beast in Bible Prophecy so know exactly who we are dealing with in this issue of the Sabbath seal of God versus the Mark of the Beast. Enjoy this revealing study. David Gilmore

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    16 Remnant Teachers Part 16


    This lesson explores the very important prophecy that describes the history of the Roman Catholic Church through the 1260 year prohecy mentioned 7 times in Daniel and Revelation. We also explore the way to calculate accurately from clear Bible symbolic key decoders what a day, a month, and a time represent with respect to this prohecy. Then we will notice what marked the beginning and end of this most fascinating prediction made by daniel and John in these eye opening books. This is a very vital prophetic prediction that will help us to identify when the time of the end begins and when the Remnant Church must imerge in the history of this earth and the great controversy between Christ and Satan. We hope this lesson will help you in your walk with Jesus in this information He has compassionately provided to prepare for His soon return. Please enjoy. David Gilmore

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    17 Remnant Teachers Part 17


    This lesson deals with the healing of the deadly wound to one of the seven heads of the Beast in 1929. This interesting discovery of some recent and medieval history shows how accurately prophecy writes out history before it happens with amazing precision that only God has the ability to reveal. We will also investigate how the Bible's secret keys of symbolic prophecy expose the power that claims to forgive sins and act in the place of God Himself in an act of daring blasphemy inspired by Satan. This Bible study is vital to any searching Christian to identify the Remnant Church and her counterfiet that will persecute the Church of God with unleashed fury in the last great conflict beween Christ and Satan. Please enjoy and consider these sobering topics. David Gilmore  

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    18 Remnant Teachers Part 18


    This Bible study investigates Babylon the Mother Church of Revelation. This Harlot Woman of Bible Prophecy also called the Beast is a Church claiming to be the mother of all modern day churches. The Bible accurately points to the Church of Rome as this great religious power and we will discover her claim as to actually have the ultimate Mark of ecclesiastical power and authority. This Mark we will discover is the counterfeit of the seal of God, which is the Seventh Day Sabbath. This information is vital to every sincere and searching Christian who is preparing for the last great conflict between Christ and Satan just before His glorious Second Coming. Please enjoy these sobering facts and consider their call to follow Jesus by faith in these last days. David Gilmore.  

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    19 Remnant Teachers Part 19


    This lesson discovers how the United States of America rises to power at the precise time that was once again accurately pinpointed by Revelation around 1798 when the Papacy received her deadly wound. It will also be noted how the Papacy arose from densely populated areas of Europe where she would loose her domination in religious and political matters. Another eye opening revelation of Jesus that we should consider which has given us to build our faith and confidence in the unerring accuracy of Bible Prophecy. Please enjoy. David Gilmore. 

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    20 Remnant Teachers Part 20


    This Bible study explores the interesting fulfillment so accurately that predicted the political alliance of the Papacy and the United States of America working together in bringing down Communism their common enemy. These time solid fulfillments give the unmistakable framework in History that helps us to identify the Remnant Church of God. Enjoy another journey through History that builds faith in Jesus. David Gilmore

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